

We here at WRAD like to think that we're a part of the community, and that we make a difference by empowering underheard voices on Jacksonville's airwaves. But we're just a bunch of rebellious rock and science nerds with an expensive toy unless we get the community involved.

That means YOU.

Our highest priority right now is finding and organizing people to do new programming. As it stands, we're on the air 24 hours a day, every day, playing auto-rotated mix CD's of independent and local bands and every now and then having live shows by the station operators or their friends. As of April 2002, our scope is limited to playing music that we and our immediate friends are fans of. That's cool, but it's not exactly community empowerment.

And that's where you come in. We need people to do shows. No cost. No catch. No commitment to volunteer anything but the time it takes you to record your show or come in and do it live.

Your show can focus on music, any kind of music you like. We'd especially like to see people do shows of harDCore, bluegrass, folk, alt. country, reggae, dub, trip hop, and ethnic music from their or their parents' home countries. But those are just ideas. It's totally up to you. We're just trying to stress diversity.

You can have a talk or news show, discussing any topic and having any guest you'd like. Your show can be in another language (preferrably one you speak). Your show can advocate any political opinion you want, or it can be completely apolitical. You can have a serious show or a show-up-drunk-and-incite-a-riot- for-the-hell-of-it show. Suprise us.

Just remember...


The right to put your music or point of view on the air comes with a great responsibility. You have to be mature and willing to share this frequency with the rest of the community. For WRAD to stay alive- indeed, to deserve to stay alive- we can't do anything people don't want their kids hearing, or broadcast shows that alienate any one group. We want to be a community station, and hence accessible to all levels of the community INCLUDING kids and the religious.

From a purely practical standpoint, we also have to worry about staying on the air. All it takes is one call by one angry parent to the FCC, and then we've got the legendary white van problem to worry about.

So, we have some rules to follow if you want to have a show on WRAD. (Click the link.)

Did you read them? Awesome. Now you can learn...


You can get on the air in one of two ways.

1) Do a live, in-studio show. Claim your time to come in and stick to it. This is an option for punctual, reliable people. If you schedule a show and don't show up for it more than twice, you lose your claim and the station may make your slot available to other people. (We will, of course, try to find another slot for your show that you can show up for, or encourage you to do your show with the second option. No one gets kicked off for being "bad".)

2) You can give us a tape, CD, *.mp3 or *.wav and we'll loop it for you at a regularly -scheduled time. This can be a great option for people who have busy schedules and can't always come in at the same time every week. You can record in the comfort of your own home with your boombox, PC, or CD-R burner, and let us amplify your creation into a real radio program. All we ask is that you give us new material to loop every week or so, just to keep things fresh.

The latter option can also provides an opportunity for doing exciting, on-location reporting! Break out your handheld recorders, do some crazy interviews or field recordings, maybe splice in a couple of songs mix tape style for flavor.

The most important thing for either option is to BE CREATIVE!!!!!

That's all you have to do. We're trying to make this easy and accessible to everyone. There's no reason YOU can't be broadcasting NEXT WEEK!

Contact us (click the link) to set up a time to meet. You can come see the station and we'll talk about your show.

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